Hi. I'm Adam Rosenlund.
Yep, the guy with the name at the top of the page.
I'm a multidisciplinary creative director who can help build emotionally impactful brands and campaign experiences.
In the 20 or so years since entering the creative field, I’ve held a lot of eclectic roles that continue to inform and inspire my work even to this day. I worked for an alternative news weekly, hustling against the deadline week after week to get a paper out on time. I moonlight as a comic book artist, which I suppose is sort of apropos of the medium. I’ve worked for large brands, small brands, giant retailers, tiny start-ups, client side, agency side and everything in between. Even did a stint replacing railroad ties just to get some earth under my fingernails.

This wealth of life experience keeps my creative knives sharp, so to speak. I love approaching every problem with an empathetic lens, always putting myself in the shoes of the target customers because I either have been that customer or know them like a close friend at some point in my life. I bring that same empathy to the way I lead a creative team. I’ve led large teams of designers, photographers, videographers, editors and every iteration in between, and I did so confidently because I’ve been where they’re at at some point along my career. I can lead the work knowledgeably and impart that knowledge to my team in turn, fostering continued career growth with an emphasis on curiosity and experimentation.
Skills to pay your, and by extension, my bills
•Brand Creation
•Graphic Design
•Motion Design
•Photo/Video Production
• Copywriting
•Social Media
•Creative Team Management
•Creative Strategy
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